
Track Record


  • (We Are Able) Advanced Advocacy training and action plan development: Burundi, DRC and Ethiopia
  • Feasibility study employment for vulnerable persons at St Eustatius, for Netherlands Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
  • Evaluation DRRA-Niketan CBR programme in Bangladesh
  • Monitoring visit CBR pilot pogrammes in Rwanda for Liliane Foundation
  • RehApp Training Caritas-India-CBR, CHAI, CBM in conjunction with the University of Melbourne
  • Development of interactive client management feature of the RehApp
  • Editor-in-chief of the Disability and journal manager of the Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development Journal and gradually handing over to the University of Gondar, Ethiopia.


  • (We Are Able) Advocacy training and action plan development: Burundi
  • CBR management training: Mozambique
  • CBR training: Bangladesh
  • Workshop on “Access to information in the community” for Wilde Ganzendag: Amersfoort
  • CBR introduction training: Rwanda
  • RehApp orientation online training for Karuna Nepal and Karuna Netherlands
  • RehApp orientation online training for Norfil Philippines and the Liliane Foundation
  • Upcoming (November-December 2022): “Activities of daily life and sensory processing” for health providers: Vietnam
  • Upcoming (December 2022): Training of Trainers RehApp for health providers (to deliver to community doctors and technicians)
  • Upcoming (December): Webinar on Intersectionality and Disability for the We Are Able project teams and trainees in Burundi, DRC and Ethiopia
  • Upcoming (December): Webinar on Religious leaders and Advocacy for the We Are Able project teams and trainees in Burundi, DRC and Ethiopia
  • Upcoming (December 2022): Disability inclusion for TLM Netherlands in Apeldoorn


  • Webinar “Coping with challenges in daily activities: Sensory Processing” for parents of children with autism in Vietnam
  • Course “Activities of daily life and sensory processing” (pilot training for a group of parents of children with autism in Vietnam: 10 group sessions + 3x 5 individual sessions)
  • CP training: Ghana
  • (We Are Able) Advocacy training: Ethiopia
  • (We Are Able) Advocacy training: DRC
  • CP training: Ghana
  • (We Are Able) Advocacy training: Burundi


  • RehApp 2.0 development and collaborations including international field-testing
  • CBR evaluation: Ethiopia
  • CBR training & proposal writing workshop: Zambia
  • Migration of Cerebral Palsy Africa a Scottish charity to the Netherlands and the development of a new foundation
  • Online CBR training for Rwanda
  • Online training for Nigeria


  • Job Placement project follow-up: Myanmar
  • Inclusive marketplace
  • Adapted agricultural tools
  • Job Placement
  • Training in Monitoring and Evaluation for 6 strategic partners organisation of the Liliane Foundation in Asia Bali, Indonesia
  • RehApp development and collaborations including international field-testing
  • Training Cerebral Palsy & Developmental Delay: Ethiopia
  • Follow-up training Cerebral Palsy & Developmental Delay: Ethiopia
  • Guiding CBR evaluation Zimbabwe
  • CBR evaluation Zambia
  • CBR evaluation Rwanda
  • Consultancy STEP project Liliane Foundation (Support Tools Enabling parents): development of training, tools and publications: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Cameroon
  • Training trajectory with NFDN and Enablement-Nepal focusing on local advocacy funded by NUFFIC


  • Follow-up training: Myanmar
  • Lake Victoria CBR programme, a strategic workshop: Uganda
  • Evaluation CBR programme: the Philippines
  • Job Placement Coaches training: Myanmar
  • Essential Standards in CBR study in Malawi and Zambia
  • Consultancy STEP project Liliane Foundation (Support Tools Enabling parents): development of training, tools and publications: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Cameroon
  • RehApp development and collaborations including international field-testing
  • Further development of additional chapters of the so-called Flashcards


  • DAAA course for people with disabilities: Myanmar funded by DFID
  • Livelihood training: Myanmar funded by DFID
  • RehApp development and collaborations including international field-testing
  • Leprosy Research Initiative workshop: Nepal
  • Evaluation Achmea health insurance programme & CBR training: Vietnam
  • CBR workshop: Mozambique for government and other strategic stakeholders, Light for the World
  • Finalising NUFFIC training Food & Voice for NSWA: Nepal
  • Context analysis DFID funded project: Myanmar
  • Essential Standards for field workers study: Uganda, Burkina Faso, Vietnam, Tajikistan, Zambia, Malawi
  • Advocacy on Disability Rights Course: Cameroon
  • CBR evaluation: Cameroon
  • An assessment of the value of CBR models in Zambia for the Liliane Foundation
  • NUFFIC training on Advocacy and Accessibility, CBR training & Leprosy Research Initiative conference: Nigeria


  • Formation des Formateurs, CBR:
    Cotonou – Africa (diverse African participants)
  • CBR Training: Nepal with
    participants from MALC leprosy centre in Pakistan
  • CBR Training: Ethiopia (diverse
    African participants)
  • CBR training workshop –
    strategic thinking in CBR: Rwanda (diverse African participants)
  • Management and Leadership
    Course in CBR: The Netherlands (diverse international participants)
  • Leprosy Research Initiative research
    workshop: Brasil
  • CBR training: Nigeria
  • Regional CBR training: Rwanda
  • National CBR course: DR Congo
  • 3-day CBR training
    workshop for representatives of DPOs and governments from the Caribbean:
    Turks & Caicos islands
  • NUFFIC training Food &
    Voice for NSWA: Nepal
  • Regional ToT in CBR: Benin
  • Management and leadership in
    CBR and DID: The Netherlands (international participants)
  • Regional ToT in CBR: Ethiopia
  • Evaluation CBR Arba Minch:
    Ethiopia for Light for the World
  • Advocacy for Disability Rights
    training: Tanzania


  • CBR training course: Ghana
  • CBR/RBC Capacity Building – 2nd training course: Benin
  • Training of Trainers Asia: Vietnam (focusing on participants from diverse Asia countries)
  • Masterclass CBR: The Netherlands (international participants)
  • Training of Trainers in CBR: Nepal (participants from Timor Leste. Enablement was part of a programme developing a diploma 1 CBR course with the University of Timor Leste in Dilli)
  • Management and Leadership Course in CBR and DID: Ethiopia
  • International training in CBR and DID: The Netherlands (international participants: America, Asia, Africa and Europe)
  • Feasibility Study Community-Based Rehabilitation in Pakistan for Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre in Karachi; part of a multi-year plan to promote CBR in Pakistan funded by GIZ
  • Tailor-made CBR training: Pakistan - Karachi
  • Course on Advocacy for Disability Rights for practitioners and people with disabilities
  • Workshop effective writing in English for internal and external participants
  • PhotoVoice methodology used in a study to assess the quality of life of parents of children with a disability: Ghana
  • Study on disability inclusion, which developed into a tool “Roads to Inclusion”: a study done in Ethiopia, India & Burkina Faso. A project in collaboration with Light for the World
  • Study for the development Impact Evaluation Model and Tool for CBR: Malawi & Uganda, in collaboration with the Royal Tropical Institute Amsterdam, University of Cape Town and the University College London funded by AusAid.
  • Evaluation of 10 CBR projects in Nigeria for CBM
  • Evaluation project "Empowering Parents of Children with Disabilities in Kyrgyzstan”: Kyrgyzstan
  • Kick-off workshop CBR in Ghana for the Liliane Foundation
  • Training workshop contemporary practices of CBR and inclusive development: Benin



  • Catalyst 2030

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