
New handbook: Marketplace (Disability) Inclusion Guidelines

New handbook: Marketplace (Disability) Inclusion Guidelines

June 23, 2020
Léa Guignard
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The Leprosy Mission Myanmar (TLMM), BRAC, and Enablement worked together, also with private and public stakeholders and relevant government actors, to lower the barriers for households affected by disability in order for them to find meaningful employment and to protect and empower people who are affected by disability. As part of the project, Enablement and TLMM undertook activities concerning making marketplaces inclusive. During the last year of the project, one ‘champion, newly built marketplace’ has come to light. A review visit by the Enablement/TLMM team focussed on evaluating this marketplace as well as assessing several inaccessible marketplaces throughout Myanmar in order to develop tools to help stakeholders make the necessary adaptations or take the necessary requirements into consideration when building new ones. Stakeholders within this part of the project are people with disabilities, market committees and municipalities, and others with an interest in these tools.

This manual includes all the tools that were developed for, revised or created after the audit visit, based on experiences and information from the field. This was done by Enablement, in collaboration with TLMM and two students from the University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam. With this manual, we hope to ensure the sustainability of these tools to enable countries such as Myanmar to have inclusive marketplaces.

The handbook can be downloaded here!

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