
ADRC Manual

Advocacy for Disability Rights course manual

While most advocacy courses and manuals are directed at lobby and advocacy at national levels, little seems to be done about building capacity at a community level. The Liliane Foundation with its partner Enablement work to build capacity at exactly this community level. Together with local non- governmental organisations, faith-based organisations, disabled peoples organisations (DPOs) and other community based organisations we aim to make a lasting change in the lives of children and (young) adults with disabilities. This does not mean that lobby and advocacy on national level is of less importance to us: on the contrary! We feel that the local more community-based advocacy is complementary to the national lobby and advocacy for disability rights. Yet, we also sense that we cannot wait until international treaties, national law and legislation becomes operational. Moreover, we feel an obligation to all our local partners to help them build their advocacy capacity and to ensure that we create a situation where rights - enshrined in national policy or not – become reality! This means amongst others that we want and need to make sure that local partners can help the child with a disability to go to the local school; that situations of gross human right violations will not be ignored; that a solution will be found for parents who chain their child to the wall of their house; that neglect of children with cerebral palsy will be discussed and reversed, and more.


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