

This logbook helps guide the process of (re)habilitation and moving through the rehab cycle, writing down information and experiences, setting goals through shared decision-making between health worker and a person in expressed need of support, monitoring progress and evaluation of the individual situation of a child and family. This logbook has been developed by Butterfly Basket Foundation (now merged into Cerebral Palsy Africa) with partners in Vietnam. It has been adapted by Enablement for the Support Tools Enabling Parents (STEP) pilot of the Liliane Foundation in Cameroon, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya, and is being used in several other countries. The logbook can be used by community workers, health workers and other persons who find it beneficial for their work and support. It can be left at the house of the family for ownership and/or brought by the service provider. This logbook has been digitalized into the client section of the RehApp. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to translate it into a local language.

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