
Ma Cho (39 years old and having a visual impairment) lives together with her younger sister in Khin Tangyi village, Yaedashe township.

She experienced many challenges in life, such as discrimination by villagers and the inability to find a job. This negatively affected her self-image; she felt worried and scared to participate in her social-environment. 

Fortunately, she met Job Placement Coaches (JPC) Ma Thida Myint and Ma Thinn Myat Moe with whom she discussed vocational training- and employment opportunities. They encouraged her to attend a massage training at the school for the blind. In addition, they helped Ma Cho write a professional CV and prepare for a job interview. 

This appeared to be successful! Ma Cho is now working at Genky, a Massage Centre in Yangon. She enjoys her job and feels more confident than ever.  

Made With By Brovisuals

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