


Rehabilitation Knowledge Base for fieldworkers.

The RehApp Mobile app is freely available for fieldworkers in low-and middle-income countries and aims to enhance their capacity to work with people with disabilities within the community: assess their abilities and inabilities, design rehabilitation interventions, provide care and support and refer appropriately.

It consists of different chapters – covering various types of impairments – organised according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, commonly known as the ICF. The RehApp offers fieldworkers basic information on possible causes, signs and symptoms related to a specific impairment and provides practical intervention options at personal, relational and societal level. The RehApp ensures that fieldworkers always have relevant and practical information at hand. However, the RehApp is not meant to perform medical examination and services. Users will need to rely on a correct diagnosis by a (medical) specialist first!

The RehApp is available for free, and once downloaded, it can be used in any setting without internet access. The chapters on Amputation, Burns, Clubfoot, Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy and Spinal Cord Injury are already available.

The RehApp is available for free, and once downloaded, it can be used in any setting without internet access. The chapters on Albinism, Amputation, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Burns, Cerebral Palsy, Clubfoot, Down Syndrome, Epilepsy, Intellectual Disability, Leprosy, Low Vision & Blind, Spina Bifida, Spinal Cord Injury, and Stroke are already available. 

Enablement, along with various experts in the field of disability, are also busy developing more chapters, including Communication Disability, Developmental Hip Dysplasia, Hearing Impairment, Hydrocephalus, (Juvenile) Rheumatoid Arthritis, Intellectual Disabilities, Mental Health-Psychiatry, Muscular Dystrophy, Post-Polio Paralysis.

To contact the RehApp coordinator, please press the More info button below.
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Download now from Google Play Store and Apple Store!

PIE Toolkit

Collecting and analysing CBR information

PIE is a new participatory approach for evaluating outcomes and impact of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) programmes. PIE provides a structured but flexible approach for collecting and analysing information about the real changes that CBR has had on the lives of people with disabilities.
The PIE toolkit includes a range of tools (click for infographic): supports the whole evaluation process from planning; data collection (from a broad spectrum of CBR players), to data analysis, validation and report writing thus providing a very in-depth impact evaluation. However the approach is flexible so a selection of the tools can be chosen depending on the depth of information required and the specifications of the evaluation, context and resources available. The evaluation process is seen as one which provides an opportunity to learn about what is going well as well as what needs to change, so it leads into a process of future planning.

Roads to Inclusion

Promotes reflection on changes related to inclusion

The Roads to Inclusion tool will support CBR teams in assessing communities’ progress in becoming more inclusive of persons with disabilities and planning activities to further the inclusion process. It promotes reflection on changes related to inclusion rather than judging projects on the impact of their work, and is thus not a tool for impact evaluation or comparing inclusion between different countries and cultures.
The roads to inclusion tool has been developed by ENABLEMENT and LIGHT FOR THE WORLD on the basis of an action research programme carried out in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and North East India. Communities in two sites of each country were asked to define what inclusion meant to them and those definitions were used as a basis for developing this tool. The tool can be used in a variety of contexts. We recommend adjusting it to fit your organisation’s needs and seeing it as an inspiration on how it could be done, not as a prescription on how it should be done.

Pocket cards

Handy pocket cards with 14 common impairments

During our involvement in the one-year Diploma Course in CBR at the UNTL in Timor-Leste students asked us for a practical tool that they could use when going into the field. They expressed the need for a tool that allowed them not only to identify certain types of disabilities, but also to communicate the medical and practical implications with the people involved, often parents.
We designed a series of pocket cards on 14 common impairments. The cards give a brief medical description, suggestions for basic interventions and leave room for referral addresses. The flashcards are freely available in English, French, Tetun (Timor-Leste) and Amharic (Ethiopia). To download these, please click here.

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